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Man repairing window

We can cover all of your window repairs Leicester.

Over time, the moving parts on windows can wear down and become loose or broken. You may struggle to open a window because the handle is tight, or you might have locks that break. The hinges on windows are also prone to problems and frequently need to be repaired. They can become loose, or stiff and break over time which can make your window unsafe and increase the risk of break-ins. In these instances, it is important to call us so we can repair your Leicester based windows right away and keep your home secure.

As the weather gets colder, you might notice a draft when you close windows. This is because of gaps in the window where outside air can easily make its way into your home. When your windows are not properly sealed, your heating bill will shoot up and it will take a long time for your home to get warm. It can also let in excess moisture, leading to problems with damp, which are incredibly expensive to fix. We can ensure that your windows close properly with no gaps, so your home is always nice and warm in the winter.

Leicester's largest glass unit replacement company using Pilkington Glass products

If you notice that your windows are misting up inside or the sealed unit has blown then you will need a sealed glass unit replacement. Our window repairs Leicester service is on hand to give you a quick fix.Sometimes, accidents happen and windows get broken, leaving you very exposed. As well as fixing the window for you, we provide boarding services to give you more peace of mind while you wait for their replacement.

Whether you are just starting out as a gardener or have been doing it for years, you probably use greenhouses to offer protection from the elements for your plants, but cracked panes can be such an inconvenience. You don't want all of your plants to die because the temperature is not correctly maintained. But don't worry, we can give you a quick replacement so your plants are protected and able to thrive.

Get in touch for all your window repair needs in Leicester

If you need window repairs Leicester, you can rely on our excellent service. Our quality is unmatched and your new windows will last for decades. If you notice your windows have a draft, are damaged or overdue for an update, give us a call on 01455 850282.

Get in touch with us Leicester, for all your window repair needs.

We can cover all your window needs in Leicester and repair them with efficiency, top quality and something that will last a long time.

If you notice your windows have a bit of draft, have been damaged or are long overdue and update then get in contact with us now. We are open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm and Saturday from 9 am to 12 pm.

A photo of one of our engineers opening the door on one of a group of The Window Doctor vans
How can we help you?

For the quickest response to your enquiry, give us a call during normal office hours.

Monday9.00am – 4.00pm
Tuesday9.00am – 4.00pm
Wednesday9.00am – 4.00pm
Thursday9.00am – 4.00pm
Friday9.00am – 4.00pm
SaturdayClosed. Sorry!
SundayClosed. Sorry!