Bi-Fold doors are typically a set of 2 or more glazed doors, usually manufactured in either UPVC or Aluminium.
The Bifold door opens in a concertina style and neatly folds flat when open. The bonus of a Bi-Fold door is that unlike a sliding patio, the Bi-fold door opens seamlessly connecting your living space to your garden, patio, or outdoor play area.
Below is a list of what repairs, issues, niggles and issues our engineer see and hear while helping our customers…
My bifold door has dropped
By far the most common request we receive is to visit a property where the Bi-fold doors have dropped and become difficult to open or operate. This is caused by the door not being ‘setup’ correctly, or due to movement as it settles or during extremes in temperature.
When you find yourself in this situation though, don’t panic. The issue can be resolved by servicing the door and adjusting the existing hardware and glass to ensure that every aspect of the doors and frame are square and level resulting in a Bi-fold door that’s as smooth as butter!
Top tip: If you start to feel like your Bi-fold door is dropping, don’t ignore it. After time, the issue can result in rollers and hinges becoming damaged. Damaged components mean higher repair costs. Remember, preventative is always better than reactive!
The door hinge or bottom roller has broken.
Sometimes these are easy to spot, and sometimes they break in strange ways well out of sight. No matter which way it happens though, damaged hardware is never a good thing for your Bi-fold door system.
The biggest culprit in this department is the bottom rollers. Due to the weight they must carry these parts in particular wear out faster and often break or fracture leaving your door unusable.
No matter if it’s a bottom roller, hinge, upper bracket or even a door handle, we can source high quality parts to replace what broken and get your door back to full working order in no time - Saving you time hassle and money
My bifold door lock has broken.
Like any door, Bi-fold doors have locks, and like any lock, from time to time, they become difficult to operate or break. They can break for many reasons, but the number one reason is that the door is not level, putting excessive pressure on the locking mechanism resulting in a failure.
The best way to avoid this is by ensuring you keep your door well maintained and serviced regular. The best way to avoid costly repairs is regular maintenance.
If you do find yourself in this situation though, in most circumstances, it is possible to replace only the lock. There is a lot of dimensions needed, but they’re all required to ensure the right lock is sourced for your door. Our service engineers are trained, knowledgeable and have the right tools and equipment to obtain these measurements quickly during out initial home visit – so don’t worry about learning the science of locks, we’re happy to help.
The glass in by Bi-fold door has cracked or condensated.
From time to time, accidents happen. From mowing the lawn to a over ambitious missed cricket ball catch, now and again glass units (especially in doors) break or smash.
Luckily, no matter if your Bi-fold door is UPVC or Aluminium, its simple to replace the glass without replacing the whole door.
Top tip: Don’t forget to ask about safety glass in your door, it’s a legal requirement which makes any glazed area safer, for more information on what safety glass is, click the link.
Bi-fold doors are expensive to buy, so when they go wrong, no one wants to be hit with a big bill to replace them. No matter how small your Bi-fold door issue, don’t ignore It, a simple service could save your paying out for a hefty bill to replace broken parts!
If you have any further questions wish to speak to a member of the team about any window or door repair then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on 01455 850282 or shoot us and email!
We look forward to helping you soon, and remember - Why Replace... We Repair...